In Search of André Salmon:
An International Colloquium in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of Salmon's Death
December 9, 2019
University of Turin
co-sponsored with the University of Toulon-Var and the University of Kent - Paris Institute
9h30-13h00 Nouvelles sources…
Accueil des participants et ouverture du colloque
Président de séance: Peter Read
9h.45 Jacqueline Gojard (Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris)
Guillaume Apollinaire et André Salmon, deux poètes en correspondance, au fil des lettres et des textes (1903-1969)
10h.15 Marilena Pronesti (Università di Torino)
André Salmon aux échelles du journalisme
11h.15 Maria Dario (Università di Padova)
André Salmon à la confluence de la littérature et du journalisme : du lyrisme du quotidien au poème-reportage
11h.45 Émilien Sermier (Université de Lausanne)
Les romans urbains d’André Salmon : « lyrismes ambiants » de la ville
12h.15 Jean-Luc Pouliquen (Toulon)
Dans le voisinage poétique et géographique d'André Salmon
14h.30-16.30 Nouveaux regards…
Président de séance: Jacqueline Gojard
14h.30 Peter Read (Université du Kent)
Art d’Afrique et anarchisme: Salmon, Picasso et Mecislas Golberg
15h.00 Beth S. Gersh- Nešic (Mercy College, Westchester, New-York)
André Salmon, était-il un féministe avant la lettre ?
15h.30 Franca Bruera (Università di Torino)
André Salmon en Italie : traces et signaux
16h.00 Francesca Milaneschi (Università di Macerata)
André Salmon et les trouveurs du modernisme, de l’esprit nouveau et du cubisme
16h.30 Franca Bruera, Marilena Pronesti,
André Salmon entre héritage culturel et mémoire digitale : projets en cours
17h30: A la découverte d’André Salmon, lecture de poèmes et exposition de documents auprès de l’Alliance française (via Saluzzo, 60 – Turin)
An International Colloquium in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of Salmon's Death
December 9, 2019
University of Turin
co-sponsored with the University of Toulon-Var and the University of Kent - Paris Institute
9h30-13h00 Nouvelles sources…
Accueil des participants et ouverture du colloque
Président de séance: Peter Read
9h.45 Jacqueline Gojard (Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris)
Guillaume Apollinaire et André Salmon, deux poètes en correspondance, au fil des lettres et des textes (1903-1969)
10h.15 Marilena Pronesti (Università di Torino)
André Salmon aux échelles du journalisme
11h.15 Maria Dario (Università di Padova)
André Salmon à la confluence de la littérature et du journalisme : du lyrisme du quotidien au poème-reportage
11h.45 Émilien Sermier (Université de Lausanne)
Les romans urbains d’André Salmon : « lyrismes ambiants » de la ville
12h.15 Jean-Luc Pouliquen (Toulon)
Dans le voisinage poétique et géographique d'André Salmon
14h.30-16.30 Nouveaux regards…
Président de séance: Jacqueline Gojard
14h.30 Peter Read (Université du Kent)
Art d’Afrique et anarchisme: Salmon, Picasso et Mecislas Golberg
15h.00 Beth S. Gersh- Nešic (Mercy College, Westchester, New-York)
André Salmon, était-il un féministe avant la lettre ?
15h.30 Franca Bruera (Università di Torino)
André Salmon en Italie : traces et signaux
16h.00 Francesca Milaneschi (Università di Macerata)
André Salmon et les trouveurs du modernisme, de l’esprit nouveau et du cubisme
16h.30 Franca Bruera, Marilena Pronesti,
André Salmon entre héritage culturel et mémoire digitale : projets en cours
17h30: A la découverte d’André Salmon, lecture de poèmes et exposition de documents auprès de l’Alliance française (via Saluzzo, 60 – Turin)
André Salmon Colloquium
April 2-4, 2009
To mark the 40th anniversary of André Salmon’s death, the Babel Laboratory of the Faculty of Letters and Science, University of South Toulon-Var, has organized an international colloquium in coordination with UMR 7171, University of Paris IV.
André Salmon died on March 12, 1969 in Sanary where he bought a house in 1937 and then established a permanent residence at the end of the 1950s. Despite Jacqueline Gojard’s enormous research[on Salmon], his work still remains not well known. Often associated with the name Guillaume Apollinaire and Max Jacob, André Salmon is better known as the friend of these two famous poets than as a writer with his own expansive range. The principal objective of this colloquium (which will be followed by a publication) is to evaluate André Salmon’s contribution to poetry from the beginning of the twentieth centuryh and perhaps to re-evaluate his place in French literature.
Thursday, April 2 : Morning session
Lyricism and Fantasy
Chairperson : Michèle Touret
9 am Opening Remarks : Claude Debon, Claude Pérez
9 :15- 10 :30 am
Claude Pérez (Aix-en-Provence) : Salmon in Vers et Prose : 1905-1914Stéphanie Thonnerieux (Lyon II) : On a fantasist aethetic : Academic and Popular References in Créances (Debts)
10 : 45 to 12 : 45
Claude Debon (Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle) : Salmon in Apollinaire’s wheels : about the little car for the locomotive (a dynamo).
Maria Dario (Padoue) : Wagers placed and bets won ? : André Salmon and the stakes of lyric modernity (focusing on the pre-WWI poems).
Elodie Bouygues (IMEC) : André Salmon, friend and mentor (Jean Follain to Salmon : A salute to the elders)
Thursday, April 2 : Afternoon session
Writing in a mixed-up world
Chairperson : Claude Pérez
2 :30-3 :45 pm
Michel Blay (CNRS) : Salmon between humanism and modernity in the Carreaux/Tiles collection.
Jean-Pierre Zubiate (Toulouse) : Between exaltation and circumspection : André Salmon poetic concerns
Guy Auroux (Toulon) : Reinventing the word. Poetic and poetic in Prikaz/Order
Antonio Rodriguez (Lausanne) : Poetry as the art of deception, André Salmon and Max Jacob
Friday, April 3 : Morning session
Explosion or unity in the work
Chairperson : Michel Blay
8 :30-10 :30
Michèle Monte (Toulon): The heterogeneity of points of view in L’Âge de l’Humanité/The Age of Humanity
Valérie Thévenon (Toulon) : The poetry-prose relationship in André Salmon works in 1921 (L'Âge de l'Humanité/Age of Humanity, Peindre/To Paint, L'Entrepreneur d'illuminations/The Entrepreneur of lights, L'Amant des Amazones/The Lover of Amazones)
10 :45-12 :00
Joël July (Aix-en-Provence) : The casual tone in Sylvère ou la vie moquée/Sylvère or the Laughable Life
André Alain Morello (Toulon) : André Salmon the novelist
Friday, April 3 : Afternoon Session (Sanary)
Spanning the 20th Century
Chairperson : Claude Debon
3 :00-4 :15 pm
Michèle Gorenc (Toulon) : A poet in la Hune : André Salmon in Sanary
Christine Dupouy (Metz) : Salmon’s Paris, or the capital seen from by the discoverer of Follain
Jacqueline Gojard (Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle): For a metapoetic reading of Salmon’s work
14 :30-16 :30 pm
Henri Béhar (Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle) : Salmon, writer of memoirs
Marilena Pronesti (Turin) : The European mind of André Salmon, poet and journalist
Dinner at Sanary
Saturday, April 4 : Morning Session (Sanary)
André Salmon and Painting
Chairperson : Jacqueline Gojard
8 :30-9 :45 am
Jean Arrouye (Aix-en-Provence) : Peindre/To Paint : a poetic exposé on the pictural poetry.
Evelyne Lloze (Saint-Etienne) : The art of the image in Salmon
10 :00-12 :00 pm
Jean-Marc Pontier (Toulon) : Salmon as art critic
Beth S. Gersh-Nesic (New York) : Salmon, Picasso and the history/story of Cubism
Lunch at Sanary
André Salmon died on March 12, 1969 in Sanary where he bought a house in 1937 and then established a permanent residence at the end of the 1950s. Despite Jacqueline Gojard’s enormous research[on Salmon], his work still remains not well known. Often associated with the name Guillaume Apollinaire and Max Jacob, André Salmon is better known as the friend of these two famous poets than as a writer with his own expansive range. The principal objective of this colloquium (which will be followed by a publication) is to evaluate André Salmon’s contribution to poetry from the beginning of the twentieth centuryh and perhaps to re-evaluate his place in French literature.
Thursday, April 2 : Morning session
Lyricism and Fantasy
Chairperson : Michèle Touret
9 am Opening Remarks : Claude Debon, Claude Pérez
9 :15- 10 :30 am
Claude Pérez (Aix-en-Provence) : Salmon in Vers et Prose : 1905-1914Stéphanie Thonnerieux (Lyon II) : On a fantasist aethetic : Academic and Popular References in Créances (Debts)
10 : 45 to 12 : 45
Claude Debon (Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle) : Salmon in Apollinaire’s wheels : about the little car for the locomotive (a dynamo).
Maria Dario (Padoue) : Wagers placed and bets won ? : André Salmon and the stakes of lyric modernity (focusing on the pre-WWI poems).
Elodie Bouygues (IMEC) : André Salmon, friend and mentor (Jean Follain to Salmon : A salute to the elders)
Thursday, April 2 : Afternoon session
Writing in a mixed-up world
Chairperson : Claude Pérez
2 :30-3 :45 pm
Michel Blay (CNRS) : Salmon between humanism and modernity in the Carreaux/Tiles collection.
Jean-Pierre Zubiate (Toulouse) : Between exaltation and circumspection : André Salmon poetic concerns
Guy Auroux (Toulon) : Reinventing the word. Poetic and poetic in Prikaz/Order
Antonio Rodriguez (Lausanne) : Poetry as the art of deception, André Salmon and Max Jacob
Friday, April 3 : Morning session
Explosion or unity in the work
Chairperson : Michel Blay
8 :30-10 :30
Michèle Monte (Toulon): The heterogeneity of points of view in L’Âge de l’Humanité/The Age of Humanity
Valérie Thévenon (Toulon) : The poetry-prose relationship in André Salmon works in 1921 (L'Âge de l'Humanité/Age of Humanity, Peindre/To Paint, L'Entrepreneur d'illuminations/The Entrepreneur of lights, L'Amant des Amazones/The Lover of Amazones)
10 :45-12 :00
Joël July (Aix-en-Provence) : The casual tone in Sylvère ou la vie moquée/Sylvère or the Laughable Life
André Alain Morello (Toulon) : André Salmon the novelist
Friday, April 3 : Afternoon Session (Sanary)
Spanning the 20th Century
Chairperson : Claude Debon
3 :00-4 :15 pm
Michèle Gorenc (Toulon) : A poet in la Hune : André Salmon in Sanary
Christine Dupouy (Metz) : Salmon’s Paris, or the capital seen from by the discoverer of Follain
Jacqueline Gojard (Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle): For a metapoetic reading of Salmon’s work
14 :30-16 :30 pm
Henri Béhar (Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle) : Salmon, writer of memoirs
Marilena Pronesti (Turin) : The European mind of André Salmon, poet and journalist
Dinner at Sanary
Saturday, April 4 : Morning Session (Sanary)
André Salmon and Painting
Chairperson : Jacqueline Gojard
8 :30-9 :45 am
Jean Arrouye (Aix-en-Provence) : Peindre/To Paint : a poetic exposé on the pictural poetry.
Evelyne Lloze (Saint-Etienne) : The art of the image in Salmon
10 :00-12 :00 pm
Jean-Marc Pontier (Toulon) : Salmon as art critic
Beth S. Gersh-Nesic (New York) : Salmon, Picasso and the history/story of Cubism
Lunch at Sanary